We rely on our alarm systems even without thinking about them. In our daily lives, we sometimes take for granted that everything is working on the alarm system. I just want to remind everyone about the importance of testing our alarm systems.
We arm our system every time we leave the house, so it must work, right? Well, we encourage you to verify that it does in fact function correctly. It’s actually pretty simple to do. First, call your monitoring center and let them know that you will be setting off the alarm, and ask them not to dispatch during the time you are testing. Next, arm your system as if you were leaving. Wait until the delay or exiting time has expired, and simply go around the home and open and close doors that are monitored. Test or check all devices and sensors that are monitored in the home. Once complete, simply disarm your system as you normally do. Call your monitoring center and ask them to give you history on the account. If all the devices activated correctly, the monitoring center will have record of it.
Sometimes, depending on the devices or sensors in the home, activating them can be challenging. This is where your alarm service provider can help. Give them a call and ask for any help needed. If needed, you could have a technician come out to fully test and clean devices accordingly. This process helps to verify functionality and gives you peace of mind that the system is in good working order. Most manufacturers recommend testing the alarm system on a regular basis.
The only sure way to know if your alarm system is functioning correctly is to test it. For help or questions regarding testing your WH Security alarm system, please call 763-477-3664 or find our live chat option on our web site at www.wh-security.com.